Minseok Jeon (전민석)
I mainly maintain my personal website. This site may miss some information. About Me
I am a postdoctoral researcher at Korea University. I received my Ph.D. from Software Analysis Laboratory at Korea University under the supervision of Prof. Hakjoo Oh. I enjoy developing domain-specific languages (DSLs) (along with DSL program synthesis algorithms) to address various challenges in programming languages and software engineering. I have developed DSLs for developing effective pointer analysis and software testing.
Research Interests
I am interested in designing domain-specific programming languages (DSLs) and developing program synthesis algorithms to address problems in programming languages and software engineering. More specifically, my research aims to design domain-specific programming languages (DSLs) that can describe solutions for given programming problems in languages or software engineering, and develop program synthesis algorithms to automatically find these solutions in the DSLs.
- Designing domain-specific languages (DSLs) tailored to tackle challenges in programming languages and software engineering.
- Developing program synthesis algorithms for automatically generating programs (solutions) in DSLs.
In particular, my focus is on designing DSLs and synthesis algorithms for effective pointer analysis, a key component in compiler optimization. Additionally, I am interested in developing DSLs tailored to identify effective test cases in system software testing.
Educational Background
- 2017.03 ~ 2023.02, Integrated M.S. & Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering. Korea University
- 2011.03 ~ 2017.02, B.S. Dept. of Computer Science, Korea University
Employed Positions
2023.02 ~ Present - Postdoctoral Researcher, Software Analysis Laboratory, Korea University
Academic Activities
Program Committee (PC) members
- OOPSLA 2024: ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
- Return of CFA: Call-Site Sensitivity Can Be Superior to Object Sensitivity Even for Object-Oriented Programs. Paper presentation at POPL 2022. STAAR Workshop. Jeju. Feb 11 2022 [slides]
- Return of CFA: Call-Site Sensitivity Can Be Superior to Object Sensitivity Even for Object-Oriented Programs. Paper presentation at POPL 2022. Philadelphia, USA. Jan 19 2022 [slides]
- Learning Graph-based Heuristics for Pointer Analysis without Handcrafting Application-Specific Features. Paper presentation at OOPLSA 2020, Online Nov. 20 2020. [slides]
- Precise and Scalable Points-to Analysis via Data-Driven Context Tunneling. Paper presentation at OOPSLA2018. BOSTON, USA. NOV 8 2018 [slides]
- Data-Driven Context-Sensitivity for Points-to Analysis. KCSE2018. Jan 2018 [slides]
- Bachelor Degree Project : Enough to check Collatz Conjecture for 16k+11 [pdf]
- ICSE 2023, Melbourne, Australia. 2023/May/13 - 2023/May/23.
- POPL 2022, Philadelphia, USA. 2022/Jan/17 - 2022/Jan/23.
- OOPSLA 2019, Athens, Greece. 2019/Oct/20 - 2019/Oct/26.
- OOPSLA 2018, Boston, USA. 2018/Nov/4 - 2018/Nov/11. [photos]
- OOPSLA 2017, Vancouver, Canada. 2017/Oct/23 - 2017/Oct/27. [photos]
Software Analysis Lab. @ Korea University